“The philosophy of the Frontenac Club Day Care is based on the assumption that each child is competent, capable of complex thinking, unique and special. Each child should be permitted to develop to his/her potential in all areas of growth. We have created an aesthetically pleasing environment while being ever mindful of the needs of children. We have created a space to challenge their innate curiosity while providing for imaginative play.
We believe our program must be open and flexible. Choices will be given when appropriate and the children will be encouraged to become more and more self-reliant. They will also assume responsibility for themselves and their actions.
We are cognizant of the importance of the family and see our role in day care as one of support and encouragement to parents and to the entire family unit.
FCDC is governed by the Ontario Ministry of Education and regulated by the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014. FCDC is working within the Ministry of Education’s How Does Learning Happen? (HDLH) framework. At the core of this framework are relationships. The foundations of HDLH include: Belonging, Well-Being, Engagement and Expression. This framework is the inspiration for our program statement.”